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Journal of Agriculture and Livestock Farming



right arrow  Xinqing Xiao
Associate Professor, Engineering Department, China Agricultural University
Email: xxqjd@cau.edu.cn


right arrow  Darwin H. Pangaribuan
Associate Professor, Agronomy and Horticulture Department, University of Lampung
Email: darwin.pangaribuan@fp.unila.ac.id
right arrow  Xinqing Xiao
Associate Professor, Engineering Department, China Agricultural University
Email: xxqjd@cau.edu.cn
right arrow  Al-Kazafy Hassan Sabry
Professor, Pests and Plant Protection Department, National Research Centre
Email: ah.sabry@nrc.sci.eg
right arrow  Mahmoud Mohamed Hesham Okasha
Assistant Professor, Agricultural Research Department, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute
Email: mahmoudokasha1988@arc.sci.eg
right arrow  Godwin Omoarebu Idoje
Lecturer, Computer and Informatics Department, London South Bank University
Email: idojeg2@lsbu.ac.uk
right arrow  Ghulam Bilal
Associate Professor, Animal Breeding and Genetics Department, PMAS Arid Agriculture University
Email: ghulam.bilal@mail.mcgill.ca
right arrow  Venkatesh Paramesh
Scientist, Agronomy Department, ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute
Email: paramesha.v@icar.gov.in
right arrow  Getachew Sime Feyissa
Associate Professor, Biology Department, Hawassa University
Email: getachew.sime@hu.edu.et
right arrow  Shaaban Saad Ahmed Saad Elnesr
Associate Professor, Poultry Production Department, Fayoum Univsersity
Email: ssn00@fayoum.edu.eg
right arrow  Yasamin Salimiyekta
Geneticist, Quantitative Genetics and Animal Breeding Department, Aarhus University
Email: yas@danishgenetics.dk
right arrow  Mohammad Sohidul Islam
Professor, Agronomy Department, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University
Email: islam.agn@hstu.ac.bd
right arrow  Peter Ivanov Hristov
Professor, Animal Diversity and Resources Department, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Email: peter_hristoff@abv.bg
right arrow  Krishna Kumar Rai
Assistant Professor, Biotechnology Department, Amity University Mohali Punjab
Email: kkrai@pb.amity.edu
right arrow  Nasim Ahmad Yasin
SSG, RO-II Department, University of the Punjab
Email: nasimahmad.ro2@pu.edu.pk
right arrow  Mohammed H. Abu-Dieyeh
Professor, Biological and Environmental Department, Qatar University
Email: dandelion@qu.edu.qa
right arrow  Ali Darub Kassar
Professor, Agricultural Economics Department, University of Anbar
Email: ali.darub@uoanbar.edu.iq
right arrow  T. Rajendran
Assistant Professor, Agricultural Economics Department, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Email: rajendran.t@tnau.ac.in
right arrow  Dessalegn Obsi Gemeda
Associate Professor, Natural Resource Management Department, Jimma University
Email: dessalegn.obsi@ju.edu.et
right arrow  Naresh M. Gohel
Associate Professor, Plant Pathology Department, Anand Agricultural University
Email: nareshgohel@aau.in
right arrow  Firas Rashad Al-Samarai
Professor, Veterinary Medicine Department, University of Baghdad
Email: firas_rashad@covm.uobaghdad.edu.iq
right arrow  Delvadiya Indrajay Ratilal
Assistant Professor, Genetics and Plant Breeding Department, Lovely Professional University
Email: delvadiya.26813@lpu.co.in
right arrow  Lakhwinder Singh
Research Fellow, Horticulture Sciences Department, Lovely Professional University
Email: lakhwindersingh60478@gmail.com
right arrow  Santosh Kumar Bose
Professor, Horticulture Department, Patuakhali Science and Technology University
Email: santosh@pstu.ac.bd

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